Are you looking to raise funds for a friend, family member, pet, or for a cause that’s near and dear to your heart? Are you unsure which platform is the best to ensure that you get your money quickly and safely?
I’ve created this 24-hour donation page creation service to offer my people a way to get a donation landing page up and running quickly, with everything you need to start accepting donations right away.
What you’ll get:
- A donation landing page with
unique URL of your choice. - A page description, featured images, goal bar, an array of donation levels, social media links are available for your page.
- Access to your donor data via Excel
reports, sent to you within 24 hours of request.
Basic Pricing (without any premium functionality): $75.00
*additional features can be added for an additional cost, I’ll send you a quote based on your form submission*
First, fill out the below form & I’ll be in touch with the next steps!
[caldera_form id=”CF5c76d40ca7d67″]